''Me too!!'' screamed Kristi, ' ..why dont we go together r....since that I dream of going there and my cousin is studying there'.
''AH wait! I m thinking of visiting my friend there lar...muzukashi jan, omai no kazen shiranai shi...isshouni wa chotto ne...'' (its kinda difficult since that i dont know ur cousin and if we going together maa.....)
''Em nevermind. Why dont U go and meet ur friends, stay with them, Tama ni(sometimes) we can lepak2 together bah'', with her Sabahan english '
''So why dont we go during summer or ....''
''Not winter k....damn cold'' (Korean like Seoul is said to be colder than Tokyo during winter- and i cant stand the cold weather)'
''I m not sure r...but i will think about it again'', I assured her...
''Promise tau'',Kristi said happily while making the 'promising' finger sign.''Han! so this Summer do go back to Korea, at least u can bring us around''.
''Not going back this Summer, i m planning of having my eyes lid done'', replied Han in this low tone voice. Han, a korean guy, dreamed of having 2 eye lids. He is planning of having surgery to do so.
''Why dont u have in done in Korea, its cheaper rite?'', i asked..
''But later it would be a problem if smtg goes wrong with the finishing. If getting them done in Korea, if there is smtg problem with my eyes, i would have to fly all way back to korea for checkups''.
''How about Taiwan...I wanted to go Taiwan'', said Holly..(a friend of mine from Hong Kong). ' want to enjoy the food. Would be nice. Plus Taiwan's foos is not that expensive compare to Tokyo's''.
' Yeah we want to go too' all screamed...
''OK,How about we go there together one day...it must be fun'.
' yeah!!!', all of us affirmed.
We were at the Drop Burger, a American style restaurant expertise in nice big, fat burger while having the conversation. I didnt buy antg though but just tumpang Kristi's. Four of us were hanging around before we lead our separate lifes. Kinda sad though. Although we arent close best friends but yet but yet we were like bestest friends. I just knew Han and Holly for like 4 months. Yet were like friends knowing each other for years.
Talking about the main topic, going to Korea, i wanted to go to Korea every since I m in Japan and since i m into Korean song and movie. Korea is like 2 hour flight from Tokyo and the flight tiecket wont cost that mush compare earlier(according to Kristi)
Last year i was planning to go there during this spring holidays, but since i m returning home, i cancelled it. But i m sure i m going there one day..hehe..wait...how about cash if u ask me..em..i would have to save up from now then...
So now I m planning to go with Kristi during this summer i think...em just a plan rite, it wont hurt i think...anyway, about Taiwan....not sure of it r...nevertheless I think it would be fun..
Going on a trip with friends would be fun if only if all members are 'satu kepala'...bru bes dowh!